Seattle Refined: Aditi Chai

This month, Aditi had the wonderful opportunity of speaking with Ellie White, a writer and contributor for Seattle Refined, about all things Aditi Chai.

The article features insight into our small batch, detail-oriented, and care-centered chai brewing processes:

“… because the chai is produced in small batches, using fresh herbs and ground spices, each bottle of Aditi Chai has subtle differences… ‘While we deliver a very consistent experience, customers would not find it natural for every single Aditi Chai cup to have identical taste.’” -White

White also writes about the truly special nature of our chai recipe, and how it sets us apart from all other American-based chai companies:

"… most other chai companies in the U.S. were started by non-Indians. By contrast, she makes her chai using a 100-year-old recipe passed down through generations. She learned how to make chai from her mother-in-law, who learned it from her mother-in-law, who learned it from the previous generation. This recipe has been perfected over decades and decades.” - White

To read the full article, head over to the Eat & Drink section of Seattle Refine’s website, or click here.

Another huge thank you to Seattle Refined, and to Ellie White for taking the time to share our story and chai with more of our communities!

Aditi Master